Popular (Free)
Research Sites
​​One-Step Webpages by Stephen P. Morse (stevemorse.org)
​National Archives
​World War History Newspaper Clippings 1914 to 1926
​​GenDisasters Events that touched Ancestors' Lives
Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation (West Coast port for many Chinese Immigrants - 1910-1940)
Cyndi’s List (lots of links to other sites [319,000 sites in 231 categories], forms and more!
Daughters of the American Revolution
Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) (images, texts, videos)
Fulton History (New York titles plus most states)
Find a Grave (search graves by name/cemetery location
Library of Congress National Archives
National Genealogical Society (NGS) (free genealogical resources)
Statue of Liberty WikiTree (Global Family Tree)
WorldCat (World’s Largest Library Catalog
Popular (Paid)
Godrey Library Website....
DNA and DNA Resources
Other Sites
Genealogy Blogs
Carolina Girl Genealogy
100 Best Genealogy Blogs and Websites in 2024 (feedspot.com)

Cemetery Research
Genealogy Tools
Immigration Ships, Slave Ships, Historical Timelines, Military, and Land Records
As part of my newsletter series on solving brick walls, I encourage members to write to relatives and information agencies for documents and records. I found this letterhead crafted for genealogy research purposes. Each member can edit the narrative box with a brief review of their family history, edit the mini tree, and provide an introduction regarding their search goals. Hopefully, this can be of interest to members. Chris Davis
Early American Handwriting
Other Genealogy Organizations
Horry County Historical Society
South Carolina Genealogical Society
North Carolina Genealogical Society
Federation of Genealogical Societies